9 research outputs found

    Contactless ICT transaction model of the urban transport service

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    The paper examines the problem of the productive functioning of an urban passenger transport system, which has a modular structure for the generation and exploitation of the urban transport services. The research objects consist of conventional, scalable and innovative contactless transaction models of an urban transport services in the case study of the Transport Organization (TO) – Joint Stock Company for Passenger Railway Transport “Serbia Trains” (Srbija Voz a.d.). The urban transport service is defined by invoking users, user expectations and requirements, the input data provided by users to a transport provider, the mechanisms for access and delivery of the service, the resources and roles responsible for delivery, security requirements and other parameters. The communication platform for modeling urban transport services in different transaction contexts is defined by the utilitarian framework with 6W dimensions with situational mapping of the 6 Communication Dynamics Factors (6CDF). The technology-process restructuring was achieved with the scalable In-formation Technology (IT) model by implementing the elements of electronic business in the key activities of the supply of the train tickets. Using the results of the performed research, in the paper has been developed an innovative, non-contact ICT model of urban transport services on the platform for integrating the Internet service into the process-technology and behavioral-context structures. First published online 4 May 202

    Quality of Pelleted Olive Cake for Energy Generation

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    Olive cake is by-product of olive oil production. This material cannot be stored in original condition for a long time because it has high water content and relatively high portion of oil that causes rapid deterioration. Thus it is necessary to investigate possible methods of remediation of such by-product, where utilization for energy generation presents a useful option. Several studies have been conducted on energy generation from olive cake, however not one that includes pelleting as a pre-treatment. Therefore, the aim of this paper was to determine the chemical composition of different cultivars of olive cake, to produce pellets, and determine their basic quality parameters. The pellets obtained from olive cake had mainly satisfactory results regarding their quality in comparison to standards for fuel pellets. It should be kept in mind that these standards are manly for wood pellets, and therefore some lower criteria could be applied for olive cake and such biomass. The highest amount of residual oil and the lowest amount of protein was found in cultivar ‘Buža’ and produced pellets had the smallest abrasion index (8.15%). Other cultivars had lower oil and higher protein content, and abrasion index higher than 10%. For these cultivars preparation of material (conditioning and/or binder adding) prior to pelleting is necessary. Higher heating value (HHV) and lower heating value (LHV) were not significantly influenced by different chemical composition of cultivars, thus attention should be paid on their influence on pelleting process

    Quality of Pelleted Olive Cake for Energy Generation

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    Olive cake is by-product of olive oil production. This material cannot be stored in original condition for a long time because it has high water content and relatively high portion of oil that causes rapid deterioration. Thus it is necessary to investigate possible methods of remediation of such by-product, where utilization for energy generation presents a useful option. Several studies have been conducted on energy generation from olive cake, however not one that includes pelleting as a pre-treatment. Therefore, the aim of this paper was to determine the chemical composition of different cultivars of olive cake, to produce pellets, and determine their basic quality parameters. The pellets obtained from olive cake had mainly satisfactory results regarding their quality in comparison to standards for fuel pellets. It should be kept in mind that these standards are manly for wood pellets, and therefore some lower criteria could be applied for olive cake and such biomass. The highest amount of residual oil and the lowest amount of protein was found in cultivar ‘Buža’ and produced pellets had the smallest abrasion index (8.15%). Other cultivars had lower oil and higher protein content, and abrasion index higher than 10%. For these cultivars preparation of material (conditioning and/or binder adding) prior to pelleting is necessary. Higher heating value (HHV) and lower heating value (LHV) were not significantly influenced by different chemical composition of cultivars, thus attention should be paid on their influence on pelleting process

    Национална економија

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    Serbian. У овом одељку разматрају се опште карактеристике националне економије. У првом делу приказан је њен историјски развој, који је обухватио привреду у средњовековној српској држави Немањића, преко развоја у оквирима турске феудалне државе, изградње самосталне српске државе након српских устанака и ослобођења од Турске, па до развоја у савременим условима 20. и 21. века. Тај вишевековни развој протицао је у сталним напорима да се превазиђе наслеђена економска заосталост, да се унапреди и модернизује привреда, односно да се претежно аграрна земља претвори у земљу с модерном индустријском привредом, али и уз отпоре изражене у супротној тенденцији да се одржи аграрни, односно сељачки карактер земље. Ипак, био је то процес који се уз мање или више осцилација, али у целини успешно одвијао све до пред крај 20. века. Међутим, почев од последње деценије претходног века земља је током процеса транзиције била деиндустријализована, тако да је сада на нивоу развоја од пре неколико деценија, и стоји пред поновним захтевима за (ре)индустријализацијом. У другом делу разматрају се актуелне карактеристике привреде Србије, подељене у четири сектора. English. In this chapter the main characteristics of the national economy will be considered. In the first part there is explored its historical development. It involves the economy of the middle century Nemanjićs’ Serbian state, through the development in the framework of Turkish feudal state, the building of independent Serbian state after the Serbian uprisings and liberation from Turkey, up to development in modern circumstances of 20th and 21st centuries. This many centuries development characterize constant efforts to overcome the inherited economic backwardness, to move up and modernize the economy, i.e. to transform the predominantly agrarian state to the state with modern manufacturing economy, but also with resistances represented in opposite tendency to keep agrarian, i.e. peasant character of the state. Although, it was the process, that successfully carried out until to last decade of 20th century. But, since this decade the state was deindustrialized through the transition process, so it is now on the level of some decade before, and state is confronted with the repeated need for reindustrialization. In the second part of this chapter the actual characteristics of the Serbian economy are considered, divided in four sectors

    Mapping of the Business Infrastructure in Serbia with a Special View at Brownfield and Greenfield

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    Contemporary business dictionaries lack a precise definition of the notion of business infrastructure. Also, there is an open question as to what are all the things that comprise a business infrastructure. In Serbia, there is not a legislative framework yet which recognizes and stimulates its development by categories and geographic position. Parallel to the lack of notional and legislative frameworks, we can also observe numerous activities in the field of creation of development policies and project investments in concrete facilities and sites. During the previous several mandates (since 2007), the Government of Serbia has stimulated the development of business infrastructure throughout the country using the budget funds. During the same period, significant donor funds have been spent precisely for the projects in the sphere of enhancement of business infrastructure in Serbia. In addition to the definitions provided for a set of important notions, the paper also presents a structural analysis based on the results of the survey / mapping of business infrastructure. It also shows the methodological procedure with a special view at the socalled brownfield and greenfield potentials. Also, the results of the survey have been considered within a general socio economic context with a critical view at the effects of the implemented development policies

    Significance of the Big Data phenomenon for making marketing decisions in real time

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    The success of the company's management concept depends on the ability to provide quality and comprehensive information by establishing personalized communication with consumers in real or near real time. This form of communication has become the imperative of modern business in the business decision-making process. In the today's sea of information marketing managers need to find concepts that will make it easier for them to process data. Big Data is a megatrend, a phenomenon that includes huge amounts of data that are generated almost automatically with the help of the latest technological advances, and then analyzed to turn into useful information. The Big Data concept has set great expectations, but profitable data monetization has proven to be more complex than was originally predicted. That is why the education of top managers, who can benefit from adopting and applying new concepts, is very important. The purpose of this paper is to explain the importance of real-time data for more effective and efficient marketing decisions, as well as to emphasize the role Big Data has in the collection, processing and presentation of data. This paper presents an overview of current views in scientific and professional literature on the Big Data concept and the benefits it offers, in particular by emphasizing the benefits it has in making better marketing decisions in real time. It also describes the aspects that need to be taken into account when creating the Big Data solution, the barriers that companies can encounter in its application, and suggestions for future empirical research are provided at the end of the paper

    Antecedents of Citizens' Satisfaction with Local Administration in Serbia

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    <p>The role of local administration in recent decades has rapidly changed worldwide. Pressure for citizen-centrism coming from various interest groups has triggered the need to implement marketing and management concepts which characterize the business sector. Relatively few studies have focused on emerging trends of improvements in exceeding this bureaucratic paradigm in local administration. This study examines and explores citizens’ perception on determinants influencing their satisfaction with local administration services in Serbia. The study uses an exploratory approach. A questionnaire was distributed to 605 users of local administration services. Empirical evidence indicates that, from the citizens’ point of view, customer orientation, employees’ behavior and attitudes, as well as the process of service delivery impact the overall customer satisfaction with local administration. The study also discusses important implications on potential improvements of local administration.</p

    The Protective Effects of Silymarin against Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiotoxicity and Hepatotoxicity in Rats

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    Silymarin is a complex of five major compounds, and silibinin is the most biologically active component of the complex. The aim of this study was to investigate, evaluate and confirm the potential cardioprotective and hepatoprotective effects of administration of silymarin, rich in silibinin, at a dose of 60 mg/kg orally for a time-span of 12 days on doxorubicin induced toxicity in male Wistar rats. The in vivo model was used to explore whether silymarin could prevent damage of liver and heart tissue induced by doxorubicin administered every other day at dose of 1.66 mg/kg intraperitoneally for twelve days. In the study the change of body weight, ECG changes, biochemical parameters of oxidative stress, serum activity of alanine and aspartate transaminase, lactate dehydrogenase, creatine kinase and histological preparations of heart and liver samples of treated animals were examined. According to physiological, pharmacological, microscopic and biochemical results, we confirmed that at the examined dose, silymarin exhibits a protective influence on the heart and liver tissue against toxicity induced by doxorubicin

    Effect of moisture increase during conditioning process on microbiological properties of pellets

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    SUMMARY The main preoccupation of feed industry nowadays is the production of safe and hygienic correct animal feed. It is conditioned by the quality of raw materials, applied technological procedures and stability of the product in the storage conditions. Thermal processing (pelleting, extrusion, expansion, etc.) is one of the most efficient manners for reducing presence of the microorganisms in feed. Complete mixture for pigs II was conditioned up to moisture content of 15.97 %, 19.40 %, and 21.88 %. Conditioned material was pelleted on flat die pellet press, and pellets were stored. To evaluate microbiological quality and safety of complete mixture for pigs, samples were analyzed before processing, after conditioning, after pelleting and during storage period (24 hours and 15 days, respectively). Microbiological safety of analyzed products was evaluated in accordance with the regulations of Serbia. Experimental results have shown significant (p&lt; 0.05) reduction of total count of bacteria (from 350.000-400.000/g to 100-4000/g) and moulds (from 20.000-25.000/g to 0-800/g) during conditioning and pelleting process. During 24 hour storage of pellets, increase of microbiological growth occurred in material conditioned to highest moisture content. Coagulase positive staphylococci, E. coli, Salmonella and Proteus species were not detected in analyzed samples. Sulphite reducing Clostridia were detected in all samples, but their number was below the limits prescribed by the Regulation, ranging from 100-200/g. Amount of water added during conditioning has determined temperature profile during pelleting and moisture content of pellets during storage, parameters which are highly influencing microbiological growth